Monday, November 17, 2014


Sudah lama blog ni tiada jejak..
terasa nak berblog kembali lah...
al-maklum la tiada ape nak dibuat..
 So, nanti saya akan share2 lah ape yang boleh disharekan di sini...

nak update ni je pun..
tiada idea lagi skang...

Daddada !!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Coming Home

Assalamualikum ...

Hai ! Hai !
Lamenye x melawat kat cini...
Rindunyer kat sume2..
(bajet cam de je org bace)

Sebelum ni sibuk nga final year,
 skang nih da free bleh la spend time cikit kat cini..
tp bila free pun bknnye rajin pon nk update2..

X selalu update pn xpela kan..
suprise la cikit katekan...
(suprise la sgt)

Ok la..
lau bebel panjang2 kan ntah pape lak jadinye nanti,
sebelum itu,
sempat lagi nak ucapkan

Selamat Berpuasa & Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Maaf Zahir Batin..

Thursday, March 22, 2012


What I can say about my feeling right now is 
really HURT
but I redha 
I know my FAMILY and my FRIENDS
will always support me
TYVM dear for being beside me when I felt down
the most important
I know

ALLAH is always with me

This song give me some strength to me to wake up....

Insya Allah by Maher Zain

Every time you feel like you cannot go on
You feel so lost
That your so alone
All you is see is night
And darkness all around
You feel so helpless
You can’t see which way to go
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Every time you commit one more mistake
you feel you can’t repent
and that its way too late
you’re so confused, wrong decisions you have made
haunt your mind and your heart is full of shame
Don’t despair and never loose hope
Cause Allah is always by your side
Insha Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Insha Allah
Insya Allah you’ll find your way
Turn to Allah
He’s never far away
Put your trust in Him
Raise your hands and pray
Ya Allah
Guide my steps don’t let me go astray
You’re the only one that showed me the way,
Showed me the way
Insha Allah
Insya Allah we’ll find the way

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

All The Best

Salam sayang sume~

Hahaha...tetiba lak tp pe salahnye kan....:-)
I'm exciting to sit for first final exam paper tomorrow la,,,,
tp sbnrnya xsabar nk abiskan paper...
sebabnya nak pulang ke kg....
kalo dapat balik awal.....

Hope i can do well for this sem..InsyaAllah !
BTW, wish me & my friends all the besh k~...

And also GOOD LUCK to all who will sit for final exam...:-)

Babai & nyte2~

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Welcome 2012 !

Salam akhir taun sume~

tik..! tik..! tik..!
a few minutes more we will get into new year~

ambang tahun baru tiba lagi...
dan bila sebut pasal tahun baru mesti ade azam tahun baru sekali kan...
hurm ! agk2nyer apa azam korang tahun 2012 nih ye ??

ape2 pn azam kita moga tahun ini kita menjadi lebih baik dr sblmnya..
same2la kita lupakan segala duka lara & pandang ke hadapan mencari kedamaian...
InsyaAllah !

 'be yourself', don't despair and never lose hope'...

Welcome 2012 ~

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ada Apa Pada C ??


Fuhhh..da brape lame xmengupdate kt sini ye...


last update xsalah 2 bln lepas kot...

maklumla sebelum2 nih kurang rajin sikit..

tp pada jam, minit & saat ini teringin lak nk menklik2 & menaip2 kat sini...

heee !

time skang nih la gak nk rajin kan..kan..kan !

Dah....lau membebel nih sampai ke sok xhabis....

Hurmmm !

kte straight to the main topic ye pasal 'Ada Apa Pada C ??' 

ok ! lau ikutkan tajuk, 'C' tuh bukan 'CINTA' tau...

sbenarnye di sini C = Calendar

means calendar (timetable buatan sendiri) yg terpampang kt dinding di sebelah kanan saya nih..

lau dikira-kira lebih kurang dalam 6 hari je lagi final exam akan start...

'FINAL EXAM' tau.....

bukan tuh saje ade lagi 'Projek Sarjana Muda' lak [short form PSM la sng]..

PSM = report + presentation  
 [invalid formulation , for this page only]

[bak kata Gary oppa dlm RM...:-)]

tuh la yg ada pada 'C' tp kan bleyla lak melencong kat sini...

haish...godaan2 !

Inilah timetable/calendar tuk starting 2012 nih~

Ok la..katil nga segala tilam bantal sudah memanggil-manggil..
maklumla sok nk bangun pagi nk pg lab settlekan PSM..
(hajat sblm tido mmg selalu mcm nih tp esoknye lain lak citernye..hehe)


Monday, October 10, 2011

What's mean with 11:11 ? ~

Salam-Salam Sejahtera & Salam 1Malaysia ~

Ermm..sejak akhir2 nih rase cam rajin la lak nak menaip kat cni...

awal2 nih rajin la lg kan lepas nih sure nyer 'berhabuk blog' nih...:-)

Ok..ok..terus ke topik kite pd hari ini ! [ Cewah ! skema jap.. ]

Haaaa...ape tuh 11:11 ????

Haaaa...lau nk tau sebenarnya 11:11 tuh refer to time

[xkira a.m or p.m , normally in digital la, senang sikit nk tgk]

Haaaa...ape lak kaitannye ????

Cternye camni........

Adala suatu hari tuh, berjalan2 ke bilik member 2 org nih. saje-saje je nk p beli topup sbnrnye. hehehe !

 tibe2 diorg b'cakap sesama dorg sal 11:11 and time tuh lak kul 11:11 pm...

then, sy tnye la and dorg pon cter la...

kalo sesape fan drama korea mst tau cbb tuh ape yg dorg tgk kat dlm drama korea tp lupe lak tajuk pe...hehe
[ tp sy mmg xtau nye la sbb sy bkn fan sgt pon..]

Berdasarkan ape yg dorg gtau, bila kite tgk jam & secara kebetulan waktunya menunjukkan pukul 11:11..

tuh maknenye ada seseorg sedang merindui kite..

 kesahihannya tuh xdpt dipastikan cbb nama pon pengaruh citer kan...

sekadar nk fun2 bleyla kot....huhu

Selepas je tau menda 2 sy selalu la gak tgk2 jam tp tiap kali sy tgk mesti lepas nye la 11:11 tuh..
sedey..sedey :-(

haiish ! maknenye xde sape la nk rindukan sy nih ye [xclude my family]..


Eh..Eh....masa tuk bersiap ke kelas...
kul 2 jap lg dala ada kelas Safety in Process Plant, bley lak bernaip2 kat sini...

Heee !

Babai & Have a nice day ~